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TC*TEacher project Final Conference

TC*TEacher project Final Conference

This includes teaching at a formal level and also an informal level

We are pleased to inform all of you, who are teaching and are interested in e. learning methodology, information technologies and their use in teaching, that Tech-Connected Teacher project’s team (were Pixel Association is a partner in the project) is organising a conference with the support from the European Commission, within the framework of the Lifelong Learning Programme – Grundtvig Multilateral Projects.

The objective of this event is to provide a meeting point for professionals working in the field of education and training of adults, both at a formal and informal levels, with a view to sharing new experiences and doing more accessible the training courses for professionals in adult education, especially those integrating ICT in education.

To make this happen, apart from having a presentation from a keynote speaker which will provide a framework for reflection about the use of ICT in education, and the presentation of the experiences of implementing the Tech-Connected Teacher – TC*TEACHER, this event will provide exhibition space for all participants to disseminate your own projects through posters showing different innovative experiences related to the information and communication technologies.

This event will take place the 13th of September 2010, in Florida Centre de Formació (Valencia – Spain).

14th of September we are organizing round table discussions between educators, you are welcome also to participate in this event.

For further information about the conference and the registration process, please visit the project website:
http://www.tcteacher.eu (section Final conference)

We hope that this opportunity will be of your interest. We are looking forward to your participation in this event.

Via Luigi Lanzi 12
50134 - Firenze
Tel. +39 055 48.97.00
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P.Iva. 05118710481

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