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European Mobility Initiatives for Experts

European Mobility Initiatives for Experts

A European mobility opportunity addressed to in services

Pixel acts as host organization for mobility initiatives addressed to groups of in service staff, organising fully personalized proposals for each group based on practical training and visits to Italian organization operating in the same field of the participating group.

People who work in the field of vocational education and training as well as

people in the labour market in general, have the possibility to participate in a study visit to Florence. The study visit gives the participants the opportunity to get to know the Italian working practices in their field, to visit some organizations operating in their field as well as to get to meet some of their colleagues in Italy.

The study visit can be fully funded by the Lifelong Learning Programme, within the actions named:
- Leonardo Mobility PLM (People in the Labour Market)
- Leonardo Mobility VetPro (Vocational Education and Training Professionals).
The Leonardo mobility grant covers for: travel, accommodation, subsistence, organization fee for the group of participating colleagues.

Pixel acts as host organization for this initiative.
Pixel organize a fully personalized proposal for each group of colleagues involved in the study visit.
The study visit is held in Florence for a 1 week period. It is based on a blended approach including both practical training and visits to Italian organization operating in the same field of the participating group.

Examples of mobility programmes are available on request. For this purpose, and for any other request of information, please contact: [email protected]

Via Luigi Lanzi 12
50134 - Firenze
Tel. +39 055 48.97.00
Fax. +39 055 462.88.73
P.Iva. 05118710481

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