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European Project funded by the Lifelong Learning Programme KA1 Policy Cooperation

European Project funded by the Lifelong Learning Programme KA1 Policy Cooperation

creating a strategy to tackle bullying

The first meeting of the I Am Not Scared European project meeting took place at Pixel site in Florence (Italy) on 24 – 25 January 2011. The project is promoted by the Higher Education Institute Don Milani, based in Tradate, near Milan (Italy) and coodinated in cooperation with Pixel. The project has the objective to identify effective solutions to prevent school bullying and to create a European strategy to tackle the school bullying phenomenon. During the meeting, the project objectives, activities and expected results were introduced. All the partners presented the national situation in their countries as far as school bullying is concerned. At the end of the meeting all the partners had a clear view of the future project's implementation. Further information on then project is available at: http://projects.pixel-online.org/iamnotscared/index.php

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