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European Project for a Digital Portfolio in Childhood Education

The Fourth Transnational Meeting

Pixel organized and coordinated the fourth meeting of the European project entitled EYDP - Early Years Digital Portfolio which was held on 21 – 22 October 2024 at Universal Learning Systems premised in Dublin (Ireland). The European project entitled EYDP was funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme, Cooperation partnerships in school education. The EYDP project was written and coordinated by the project applicant Agrupamento de Escolas Miguel Torga (Portugal) in cooperation with Pixel, also supporting the coordination of the planning process. The EYDP – Early Years Digital Portfolio project has the aim to create a more effective and transparent communication pattern among childhood education and care systems and families with the purpose to document, evaluate and assess the progress of each child according to a holistic view of the child's development and learning. During the fourth meeting, the European project partners analyzed the final contents of the training course for  kindergarten educators, defined the structure of the digital platform to create the digital portfolios for kindergarten kids, and analyzed of the current situation for the dissemination and exploitation activities. More information about the EYDP European project is available at: