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European Project supporting Audiovisual Translation for Inclusion and Accessibility

The First Transnational Meeting

Pixel organized and coordinated the kickoff meeting of the European project entitled  AVTIA - Audiovisual Translation for Inclusion and Accessibility which took place online – using the Zoom web platform – on 4 December 2024. The European project entitled AVTIA has been written and coordinated by the project applicant G.E. Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science, and Technology of Târgu Mureș (Romania) in cooperation with Pixel. The project was funded by the Erasmus+ Programme, Cooperation partnerships in Higher Education. The AVTIA project has the aim to raise awareness, create content and form and refine practical abilities of the Higher Education lectures and students as future human resources in audiovisual translation for inclusion and accessibility. During the first meeting, project partners presented themselves and their activities. In addition, project results were introduced and explained, with a specific focus on the Training Package for Lecturers for Teaching and assessing Inclusion in Audiovisual Translation and the Training Package for Students for an introduction of Subtitling for the hearing impaired and audio description. More information about the AVTIA European project is available at: