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In-service training courses on European Project Planning and Management

In-service training courses on European Project Planning and Management

New Editions in 2013

Pixel organises three in-service training courses on European cooperation issues.
All of them are held in Florence and delivered in English.

1) European Project Planning
It is possible to register for the following course editions:
- Edition 32: 4-9 February 2013
- Edition 33: 20–25 May 2013
- Edition 34: 7–12 October 2013
The course is included in the European Lifelong Learning Programme Grundtvig/Comenius database (http://ec.europa.eu/education/trainingdatabase/index.cfm?fuseaction=DisplayCourse&cid=33974), therefore those who wish to participate can obtain a training grant to cover both the course fee and accommodation and subsistence costs.
The course code on the database is IT-2013-855-003.
Information on the course, on how to enrol and on the grant is available at: http://europlan.pixel-online.org/EPP_index.php

2) European Project Management
It is possible to register for the following course editions:
- Edition 7: 4–9 November 2013

The course is included in the European Lifelong Learning Programme Grundtvig/Comenius database, (http://ec.europa.eu/education/trainingdatabase/index.cfm?fuseaction=DisplayCourse&cid=33975) therefore those who wish to participate can obtain a training grant to cover both the course fee and accommodation and subsistence costs.
The course code is IT-2013-854-001.
Information on the course, on how to enrol and on the grant is available at: http://europlan.pixel-online.org/EPM_index.php

3) European Projects for Schools
It is possible to register for the following course editions:
- Edition 1: 26 November – 1 December 2012
- Edition 2: 06 – 11 May 2013

The course is included in the European Lifelong Learning Programme Grundtvig/Comenius database, (http://ec.europa.eu/education/trainingdatabase/index.cfm?fuseaction=DisplayCourse&cid=33976)therefore those who wish to participate can obtain a training grant to cover both the course fee and accommodation and subsistence costs.
The course code on the database is IT-2013-860-001.
Information on the course, on how to enrol and on the grant is available at: http://europlan.pixel-online.org/EPS_index.php
For further information on the European Project Planning and European Project Management courses, please contact:
Training Course Secretariat
Via Luigi Lanzi 12 - 50134 Firenze
Tel. 055-48 97 00 - Fax. 055-462 88 73
e-mail: [email protected]


Via Luigi Lanzi 12
50134 - Firenze
Tel. +39 055 48.97.00
Fax. +39 055 462.88.73
P.Iva. 05118710481

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