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European Project on the Prevention of Early School Leaving

European Project on the Prevention of Early School Leaving

Third transnational meeting

Pixel coordinated the third transnational meeting of the European project entitled School Safety Net. The meeting was held in Castelo Branco (Portugal) on 8 and 9 May 2014. The  European project School Safety Net is coordinated by Pixel and promoted by Istituto Datini. The project is funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Lifelong Learning Programme - KA4, has the aim to prevent early school leaving through an integrated approach based on the exploitation of best practices developed in previous projects. During the transnational meeting, project partners discussed and approved the guidelines on the prevention of early school leaving with reference to the main areas of intervention identified:  identification of students at risk, integration of immigrant students, support to students with learning disabilities, prevention of school violence. Further information about the  European project School Safety Net is available at: http://schoolsafetynet.pixel-online.org/

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