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European Project Planning International Seminar

39th Edition

The 39th edition of the  international seminar on European Project Planning was held at Pixel site in Florence from 07 to 12 September 2015. Twenty participants from 5 different European countries (Bulgaria, Portugal, Spain, Republic of Kosovo and United Kingdom) attended the course. The participants in the seminar  represented different Ministries (i.e. the  Ministry of  Education and the Ministry of Transports of Bulgaria and the Ministry of European Integration in Kosovo), schools (i.e. two Portuguese and one Spanish school) as well as the English National Trust. The seminar aimed to provide participants with the skills to effectively manage European projects This includes: management of contractual procedures with the European Commission; organization and planning of a project work; management of the project partnership; creation and delivering of the project reports; management of the financial and administrative issues of the project. Information about the European Project Planning in service seminar is available at: http://europlan.pixel-online.org/EPM_index.php


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