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European Project to Promote Work Based Learning

European Project to Promote Work Based Learning

Transnational Meeting

Pixel participated in the second meeting of the European project entitled DELTA, Developing Expertise in Learning and Training Assessment. The meeting was held from 24 to 25 April 2018 in Durango (Spain). The European project entitled DELTA was funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme, KA2 - Strategic Partnership for vocational education and training. This European project has been written and coordinated by the Dundee and Angus College (UK) and involves Pixel in the transnational partnership. The aim of this European project is to support young people access to the labour market. The objectives of this project are to develop skills to assess learning in the workplace, provide resources for internship tutors and bring VET centres and companies together. The expected outputs include a digital portfolio for VET students, a Toolkit for tutors and mentors as well as collaborative apprenticeship schemes. During the meeting, European project partners discussed about the finalisation of the digital portfolio for VET students. In addition, European project partners planned the second output to be produced, the Toolkit addressed to tutors and mentors and aiming at welcoming VET students. Further information about the DELTA project is available at: https://pixel-online.net/PRJ__projects_form.php?id_prj=136&id_area=&id_ben=.





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