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European Project Management

European Project Management

New Edition of the European Project Management Course

It is now possible to enroll in the next edition of the European Project Management Course.

The target groups of the In-Service Training course on European Project Management are: School teachers and directors; university professors; managers of training organizations; managers of adult education institutions; managers of public bodies. Information about the institutions participating in the previous European Project Management course edition is available. Testimonials of previous participants in the course on European Project Management are available.

The European Project Management course aims to provide participants with the skills to enable them to effectively manage a European project. This includes:
- manage contractual procedures with the European Commission;
- organize and plan the project work;
- manage the project partnership;
- monitor the project development and evaluate its outcomes;
- create and deliver project reports;
- manage the financial and administrative issues of the project.

The European Project management course’s programme is organized in 5 main modules. The approach used in the European Project Management in-service training course is highly practical, based on the expertise of the course trainers who have over 15 years experience in European project management and planning. A practical simulation is carried out for each topic in focus during the European Project Management course. The objective of the practical activities is the simulation of the management of the different aspects of a project. At the end of the European Project Management course, every work group have produced their set of Guidelines on How to Effectively Manage a European Project.

The European Project Management in service training course is held in English, at Pixel site in Florence (Italy).

The dates of the European Project Management course are:
16 – 20 November 2010
15 – 19 November 2011

The European Project Management course is included in the Grundtvig and Comenius Database.
The course codes are IT-2010-521-001 and IT-2011-630-001.
Therefore those who wish to participate in the European Project Management course, may obtain a Grundtvig / Comenius in service training grant to cover the course fee as well as accommodation and subsistence. Instructions to candidates applying for a Grundtvig / Comenius Training Grant are available.
Those who wish to enroll in the European Project Management in service training course should fill in of the Pre-Registration Form, available in the Enrolment section of the EuroPlan Portal.
For further information on the European Project Management course, please contact:

Training Course Secretariat
Via Luigi Lanzi 12 - 50134 Firenze
Tel. 055-48 97 00 - Fax. 055-462 88 73
e-mail: [email protected]
http:// europlan.pixel-online.org
To download the brochure please click on the Download link below.


Via Luigi Lanzi 12
50134 - Firenze
Tel. +39 055 48.97.00
Fax. +39 055 462.88.73
P.Iva. 05118710481

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