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European Project promoting Emotional Intelligence at School
First Transnational Meeting
Pixel organized and coordinated the kickoff meeting of the European project entitled POEMS - Promoting Emotional Intelligence at School which took place online – using the Zoom web platform – on 4 December 2023. The European project entitled POEMS was written and coordinated by the project applicant University of Siena (Italy) in cooperation with Pixel. The project was funded by the Erasmus+ Programme, Cooperation partnerships in school education. The POEMS - Promoting Emotional Intelligence at School project has the aim to foster the development of students and teachers emotional intelligence as a key competence that can contribute to enhance inclusion at lower secondary school level. During the first meeting, the European project partners introduced themselves as well as their project’s related experiences and expertise. The main activities to be carried out were presented and discussed, with a specific reference to the table of contents of the e-learning training package. More information about the POEMS European project is available at:
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