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European Project promoting Digital Skills in Teaching

European Project promoting Digital Skills in Teaching

Third Transnational Meeting

Pixel organized and coordinated the third meeting of the European project entitled Pro-TELDE – Promotion of Technology-Enhanced Learning and Digital Education in South African University and TVET Colleges which took place on 12 – 13 September 2024 at University of Johannesburg (South Africa). The European project entitled Pro-TELDE has been written and coordinated by the project applicant University of Johannesburg (South Africa) in cooperation with Pixel. The project was funded by the Erasmus+ Programme, Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education. The Pro-TELDE project has the aim to provide South African HEIs and TVET lecturers with basics skills to exploit digital solutions for teaching. During the third meeting, the European project partners presented the training course organized in Newcastle, the national workshop organized in South Africa, the on line course on how to successfully deliver digital-based education and promote TEL, the E-Assessment tool for the identification and selection of quality OER Digital Teaching Sources. More information about the Pro-TELDE European project is available at: https://digitalskills.uj.ac.za/.


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