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European Project for the Promotion of Human Rights

The first Transnational Meeting

The kickoff meeting of the European project entitled IHR - I Have Rights was held on 29 – 30 September 2016 at Pixel site in Florence. The European project entitled IHR (I Have Rights) was funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme, KA2 - Strategic Partnership in the field of School Education. The European project was written and coordinated by Pixel in cooperation with the project applicant RenaSup (France) and the scientific coordinator University of Siena (Italy). This European project has the objective to provide secondary school teachers with the skills to deal with multicultural classrooms through the acquisition of intercultural competences based on the understanding of human rights and non-discrimination values. During the first meeting, the European project partners introduced themselves as well as their project’s related experiences and expertise. The main activities to be carried out were presented and discussed. The main intellectual outputs to be produced were examined and the templates for the production of the expected deliverables were analyzed and jointly discussed. More information about the European project entitled I Have Rights project is available at:  
