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European Project on Science Education

Second Transnational Meeting

Pixel participated in the second meeting of the eLearning from Nature European project which was held on 24-25 October 2016 in Liege (Belgium). The eLearning form Nature project, funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme (KA2 Strategic Partnership), is promoted by an Italian secondary school named “Federico Enriques”, located in Castelfiorentino, while Pixel is the project partner in charge of transnational coordination and technical and administrative management. The eLearning from Nature European project aims at improving secondary school students’ basic skills in scientific subjects making reference to the natural environment surrounding them. During the second meeting, the European project partners presented the eLearning lessons developed by teachers with the support of project partners. More information about the eLearning from Nature European project is available at:  http://enature.pixel-online.org/.