European Project for the Promotion of Sport at School
Fourth Transnational Meeting
Pixel organized in cooperation with the project coordinator, the fourth meeting of the Not Only Fair Play European project, which was held on 28 October 2016 in Prato (Italy). The Not Only Fair Play European project, funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme, is promoted by Istituto Professionale “Francesco Datini”, Italian vocational school, while Pixel is the project partner in charge of transnational coordination and technical and administrative management. The Not Only Fair Play project aims at promoting awareness of the importance of physical education at school. During the fourth meeting, the European project partners presented the sport events they organized with the support of the schools involved in the project. Those events aimed at testing the toolkits addressed to school managers and physical education teachers. More information about the Not only Fair Play project is available at: