Reserved Area
European Project promoting Emotional Intelligence at School
Pixel organized and coordinated the second meeting of the European project entitled POEMS - Promoting Emotional Intelligence at School which took place on 25-26 January at Pixel premises ...
published 26.01.2024
European Project promoting Artificial Intelligence in Math
Pixel organized and coordinated the fifth meeting of the European project entitled iMath: An Intelligent System to Learn Mathematics, which took place on 15 January 2024 at University of Malaga (Sp...
published 16.01.2024
European Project promoting Coding and STEAM at Primary Schools
Pixel organized and coordinated the second meeting of the European project entitled EDUMAT+ - Augmented Educational Mat: an infographic puzzle MATS for learning STEAM by coding for primary sch...
published 12.01.2024
European Project on Virtual Internships
“We are pleased to present the latest developments in the VI4IS (Virtual Internships for Inclusive Societies) project through our November newsletter. In this issue, we highlight Work Package...
published 15.12.2023
European Project dealing with Obesity and Eating Disorders
Pixel organized and coordinated the fifth transnational meeting of the European project entitled Connected 4 Health which took place on 7 – 8 December 2023 at Palade University of Medicine, P...
published 08.12.2023
European Project promoting Creativity in Adult Education
Pixel participated in the sixth transnational meeting of the European project entitled CULPEER DIGITAL – Cultural Peer-Learning goes Online: Digital Learning in Global Adult and Youth Ed...
published 06.12.2023
European Project promoting Emotional Intelligence at School
Pixel organized and coordinated the kickoff meeting of the European project entitled POEMS - Promoting Emotional Intelligence at School which took place online – using the Zoom web platf...
published 04.12.2023
European Project ensuring Early Childhood Services in Palestine
An online meeting was organized on 27 November 2023 with the partnership involved in the CARE project aiming to enhance early childhood education and care in Palestine. The project is coordinated b...
published 27.11.2023
European Project supporting CLIL in Primary Education
Pixel organized and coordinated the third meeting of the European project entitled CAMPS – CLIL for Arts and Music teaching in Primary Schools which was held on 23 – 24 November 2023 at...
published 24.11.2023
European Project promoting Coding and STEAM at Primary Schools
Pixel organized and coordinated the kickoff meeting of the European project entitled EDUMAT+ - Augmented Educational Mat: an infographic puzzle MATS for learning STEAM by coding for primary sc...
published 21.11.2023
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