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International Conference on the Prevention of Early School Leaving

International Conference on the Prevention of Early School Leaving

Final Conference of the European Project School Safety Net

On 16 December 2014, Pixel participated in the International Conference on the Prevention of Early School Leaving which was held at CIPAT in Florence. The Conference was organized as the final event of  the School Safety Net European project.  The European project School Safety Net was coordinated by Pixel and promoted by CIPAT. The aim of the conference was to present the activities carried out in and the results achieved in the framework of the European project. More than 50 among teachers, experts and public bodies’ representatives participated in the conference to share the best practice in tackling the early school leaving phenomenon. The Conference was opened by Gabriele Toccafondi, Vice Italian Minister of Education, who focused on the link between professional skills and labour market. Further information about the Conference is available on the European project Schoool Safety Net web site at:  http://schoolsafetynet.pixel-online.org/.



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