Pixel - International Education and Training Institution

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Who We Are

Pixel, is an international education and training institution with 22 years of experience in international cooperation and  European project management.


Established in Florence (Italy) in January 1999,   Pixel is engaged in a constant improvement in the quality of the  services performed. Pixel obtained quality certification according to UNI EN ISO 9001. Pixel is also accredited by the Italian Ministry of Education and  by the Tuscany Regional Government.


15 people work as full time staff at Pixel, also over 100 external experts and trainers cooperate with Pixel.


Pixel has a specific expertise and a long experience in the following areas:



1) Organization of international education and training initiatives


Since 1999, Pixel organizes and deliver international in-service training courses on different topics such as: European cooperation, new technologies for education, innovative educational methodologies, language learning etc. Some of these courses have been delivered in over 40 editions so far. An average of 300 participants, from all over the world,  attend Pixel international courses every year.  The international courses organized are addressed to: school teachers, head of schools, university lecturers, trainers, researchers, public officers, managers of education and training organizations etc.  Since 2011 Pixel also organizes the international Master on European Project Planning and Management that has now reached its 10th edition.



2) Direct submission and management of European projects


Since 1999, Pixel was/is involved in over 130 European projects funded by the European Commission in the framework of the following Programmes: Erasmus+, KA2 (Strategic Partnerships; Knowledge Alliances, Capacity Building and Sport); Justice; Lifelong Learning (Comenius, Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci,  Grundtvig and KA1, KA2, KA3, KA4 Transversal Programmes); eLearning;  Leonardo da Vinci; Socrates (Minerva, Grundtvig, Lingua); Socrates ODL.

The thematic areas addressed by the European projects in which Pixel is and was involved are: Innovation in Education;  Research and Innovation;  Prevention of Early School Leaving; Language Teaching and Learning; Science Education;  History Education; Fine Arts and Research; Promotion of Employment and Entrepreneurship; Human Rights and Social Inclusion; Health etc.

Pixel also coordinated and managed  over 30 projects funded by the European Social Fund (ESF).  These projects focused on: in-company training;  training for youth to support their access to the labour market; equal opportunities.


3) Organization of international events and conferences in the field of education


Since 2001, Pixel organizes international conferences in the field of higher education and research. Three of them are organized on a yearly basis. The first one is entitled: The Future of Education and it is held in Florence, every year,  in June. The second international conference is entitled: ICT for language Learning and it is held in Florence, yearly,  in November. The third international conference is entitled: New Perspectives in Science Education and it is held in Florence, yearly,  in March. About 250 participants attend each of the events representing over 50 countries in the five continents.


4) Organization of international study visits, mobility and exchanges


Since 2004, Pixel has organized and managed several international mobility initiatives acting as host /intermediary organization in the framework of the European  mobility programmes. The mobility initiatives were organized for groups of students as well as for groups of experts from all European countries. The mobility initiatives organized focused on several subject areas such as: tourism management, quality management, enterprise management,  organization of vocational training initiatives, innovation in  vocational education, new technologies, data processing, business administration, accountancy, agriculture and forestry etc. 


5) Transnational Networking


Pixel has developed international  partnerships  with over 500 organizations worldwide. Pixel’s transnational partners are:

Pixel was also the transnational coordinator or a member of some European networks, for example NELLIP (Network of European Language Label Initiatives and Projects) ; Chemistry Is (Network for the promotion of Chemistry Education) etc.   

European Project Planning and Management International Seminars The objective of the International Seminars in European Project Planning and in European Project Management  is to provide participants with the skills to plan European project proposals and to managed approved projects.. ...
International Master in European Project Planning and Management Are you interested in an International Career? Enroll in the 13th edition of the Master in European Project Planning and Management. The 13th Edition of the Master programme will be presented as a Hybr...
“New Perspectives in Science Education” International Conference The 14th edition of the International Conference “New Perspectives in Science Education” takes place: on 19 March 2025 | Online Event on 20-21 March 2025 | in Florence (Italy)  The obje...
“The Future of Education” International Conference The 15th edition of the International Conference “The Future of Education” takes place: on 25 June 2025 | Online Event on 26-27 June 2025 | in Florence (Italy) The objective of the Conferenc...

Via Luigi Lanzi 12
50134 - Firenze
Tel. +39 055 48.97.00
Fax. +39 055 462.88.73
P.Iva. 05118710481

Copyright 2025 - Pixel - All rights reserved

Pixel certified the Management Quality System in compliance with the UNI EN ISO 9001 standard.
Certificate n° SQ.41823.

more references


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Information on International training courses:

Information on the international Master:

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