Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)
The Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) awards the same qualifications, which are equally valid, and it operates under general legislation. However, certain features of UNED make it different from other Spanish Universities: it is nationwide in scope, it uses different methodology (distance education), and it has a wide social influence. Under its goals are: to provide access to University and further education for all those who, while capable of pursuing higher studies, are unable to attend on-campus classes for working, financial, residential or other similar reasons; to set up and develop programmes for futher education and for cultural and professional improvement; to promote continuing education and to update and promote university teaching and research. At present, UNED has the largest number of students among all Spanish Universities; each year aproximately 180.000 studentes enrole in their different Faculties, Technical Schools and other courses.
History On Line
Internet Portal for history teaching based on the effective use of ICT potential.
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