Reserved Area
InVET - Preventing initial VET dropouts and fostering trainees' inclusion
The European project InVET is funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Lifelong Learning Programme. This European project is coordinated by INOVA (PT). Pixel is one of the European partners. The European project INVet aims at developing a toolkit for the identification of trainees at risk of dropping out the VET system.
Area: Vocational Education and Training
Beneficiaries: Individuals
Start Date: 01.11.2013
End Date: 31.10.2015
Role of Pixel: Partner
The European project InVET, funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Lifelong Learning Programme – Leonardo da Vinci TOI, is promoted by INOVA Prestação de Serviços de Formação Profissional (PT). The INVet project aims at developing a toolkit addressed to vocational education and training system to facilitate the identification of trainees at risk of dropping out the VET system. The project also aims to implement suitable strategies to deal with early school leaving issues in vocational education and training (VET). The role of Pixel in this project is to make available the deliverables developed in the framework of a previous European project on the prevention of early school leaving.
Acronym: InVET
Funding Programme: Lifelong Learning Programme, Leonardo Da Vinci Sub-Programme, Transfer of Innovation Action
Project Number: 2013-1-PT1-LEO05-15461
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