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Intercultural Education (English)

The  aim of the international course on Intercultural Education is to provide teachers and school managers/headmasters with the skills to  contribute to the implementation  of an  inclusive school, a school promoting a culture of coexistence and intercultural dialogue enhancing diversity, of whatever nature they may be (diversity of language and culture, thought, skills, gender and sexual orientation, etc.)
The course is addressed to:
- school teachers of all subjects, 
- school managers and  headmasters, 
- counsellors in education.
The course has the following impact on the participants:
- development of intercultural competence. 
- development of cross-cultural skills in the classroom through active and experiential methodologies.
- development of new educational practices to take on the new challenge of multicultural schools.
- enhanced skills in knowing and understanding all students 
- capability to compare, reflect on and question what is taken for granted. 
- capability to determine the most appropriate educational goals and devices to meet the specific needs of a multicultural audience at school.
The course is organized into 4 main modules:
1) Introduction to Inclusion in Education
-  The benefits of intercultural approach to teaching
-  Intercultural competences: what they are, how we use them?
-  Denial, defence, minimization: where do we stand?
-  Human rights and students rights  
2) Identity, Otherness, cultures
-  Identity and diversity (anthropology)
¬  Ethnocentrism vs. ethnorelativism (anthropology)
-  Human rights and minorities (law)
-   Students’ rights (law)
- Strategies to develop students’ understanding
3) Contexts and relations
-  Migration flows (sociology)
-   Developing open teaching perspectives (education)
-  Relations with families and second generation (education)
-   Teaching diversity with diverse tools (education)
4) Different skills
-  Evaluate foreign students
-   Linguistic differences and Multilingualism
-  The reconstruction of previous schooling
-  Planning an intercultural activity
During the course the trainers will foster an active involvement of the participants in workgroups activities and in knowledge sharing experiences according to a practical approach.
The training course methodology will be based on:
- Non formal learning methodologies, approaches and methods which focus on the attitudes, knowledge, understanding and skills.  
- Experiential learning methods. The trainers will act to stimulate learners’ intellectual understandings but also to address their emotional feelings and participation attitudes. 
-  “Transformative learning approach” where the expert at first does not give new methods but support teachers to reframe, describe and formalize the practices that they use in everyday life in the classroom, based on the assumption that they need to reflect on their perspectives, stereotypes and falsified representations of the educational process, before approaching new methods. 
- Group work and Co‑operative learning where learners work together to achieve a common goal in a respectful, appropriate and effective way, is a particularly apt method in order to develop intercultural competencies. 
The course programme is organized in 6 days, Monday to Saturday, 5 hours a day. Participants should arrive in Florence on Sunday and depart the following Sunday.
The classroom-based programme is integrated with cultural activities such as a guided walking tour of Florence city and social dinner. Detailed information will be provided about optional opportunities for cultural visits in Tuscany.
Two certificates will be issued at the end of course.
- A Participation Certificate providing detailed information about the programme carried out as well as the assessment of results achieved during the course.
- A Europass Mobility Certificate issued by the National Agencies for the Erasmus+ Programme certifying the skills and competencies acquired.
The language used in the course is English.
The course is held at Pixel site, in Florence (Italy).
Optional accommodation and subsistence packages are available on request.
For further information on the course, please contact:
Training Course Secretariat
Via Luigi Lanzi 12 - 50134 Firenze - Italy
Tel. +39-055-489700 - Fax. +39-055-4628873
e-mail: [email protected]
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Via Luigi Lanzi 12
50134 - Firenze
Tel. +39 055 48.97.00
Fax. +39 055 462.88.73
P.Iva. 05118710481

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