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AGIRE is classified as an innovation hub in the Agri-food sector. The Hub represents the needs of micro, small, medium and large agri-food and agri-industrial based companies of the Abruzzo region and it is composed also by service companies, employer’s associations, research centers and universities whom provide the basic added value to create network synergies, competitive advantages and innovations in the System. 

Website: http://www.poloagire.it/

AGIRE is involved in the following projects:

Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell'Abruzzo e del Molise "Giuseppe Caporale"

The Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell'Abruzzo e del Molise "Giuseppe Caporale" is a public health institute with administrative and managerial autonomy, which operates as a technical and scientific arm of the state and the Abruzzo and Molise Regions, performing analytical work for the public veterinary services and providing the technical and scientific collaboration necessary to enable them to carry out their functions in the field of veterinary public health.


Website: http://www.izs.it

Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell'Abruzzo e del Molise "Giuseppe Caporale" is involved in the following projects:

University of Teramo
The University of Teramo – UNITE has 5 Faculties, 16 Degree Programmes, more than 20 Masters, 6 Specialisation Schools and is involved in 10 research areas. UNITE has two centres of excellence - dealing with law, politics and communication on the one hand, and with studies in agriculture, biology and veterinary medicine on the other. From such strong points, innovative educational paths have originated, also creating a link to the job market.

Website: http://www.unite.it

University of Teramo is involved in the following projects:


Associazione Hermes

Hermes Network is a project against the spread and introduction of new educational technologies in the school proposed for forty-five schools in Naples for all levels. 

Website: http://www.hermescuole.it/

Associazione Hermes is involved in the following projects:

SILabo - Laboratorio per la Società dell’informazione Srl

Silabo is a leading Consultancy, Training and Research that works to promote the harmonious development of the Information Society and Knowledge. To this end Silabo uses the most innovative development methodologies and project management. Silabo has a deep knowledge of the European, national and regional access to finance across a broad spectrum of research and development, education and training, inclusion work, and Innovation in general can provide valuable support to those organizations that are interested in change.

Website: http://www.silabo.it

SILabo - Laboratorio per la Società dell’informazione Srl is involved in the following projects:

Emilia Romagna

Hera Trading S.r.l.
Born in 2002 out of the aggregation of 11 municipal companies operating in Emilia-Romagna, first corporation of its kind nationwide, over time Hera has embarked on a journey of consistent and balanced growth, incorporating other companies active in the same areas. Hera, publicly listed since 2003, turned 15 on 1st November 2017 and is now among the nation's largest multi-utilities, working mainly in the environment (waste management), water (aqueduct, sewerage and purification) and energy (electricity, gas distribution and sales, energy services) sectors. Other services offered include public lighting and telecommunications.
Its range of activities undergoes continuous and constant development, and reflects the five levers on which the Group's strategic orientation is founded: growth, efficiency, excellence, innovation and agility. Within the panorama of public services in Italy, the Hera Group's leadership can easily be recognised in a few figures: almost 9,000 employees who meet the needs of 4.4 million citizens in over 350 municipalities in Emilia-Romagna, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Marche, Tuscany and Veneto.
In particular Hera Trading S.r.l. is a company owned by Hera S.p.a, which handles procurement and sales of natural gas, electricity, transportation capacity, green certificates, energy and emissions securities and operational management of currency and/or commodity risk on local and international markets. 
Hera Trading operates at the Italian Virtual Exchange Point for gas and at the main European hubs (Baumgarten in Austria, NCG in Germany and TTF in the Netherlands), while in the electricity sector, in addition to being on the Italian electricity exchange, it operates in the French, Swiss, German, Austrian and
Slovenian markets.

Website: https://www.gruppohera.it/

Hera Trading S.r.l. is involved in the following projects:

University of Bologna
UNIBO is a prominent institution of higher education in Europe and the second largest university in Italy. Based in five campus (Bologna, Cesena, Forlì, Ravenna, Rimini), with a branch in Buenos Aires, the University of Bologna offers more than 200 degree programmes among its 32 Departments and 5 Schools,
attended by almost 90.000 students.
Through AlmaGoals, it is committed to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda. From 2012 It is an active member of the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) and currently participates in EIT-Digital, EIT-Raw Material and EIT-Climate-KIC with 2 accredited curricula (ICT for Climate and Environmental Assessment and Management with the related Summer Schools) and a membership in the “e-circular” programme. Knowledge transfer to the third sector is ensured by Almacube, the University incubator, that supports the creation of spin-offs based on university patent (17
only in 2017). 
With a constant and increasingly broad international perspective, University of Bologna is one of the most active universities leading and participating in European research and academic cooperation projects, with more than 100 projects running for internationalization of research/teaching activities and capacity buildings and 170 agreements with foreign companies.

Website: https://www.unibo.it/it

University of Bologna is involved in the following projects:

University of Parma

The University of Parma is a privileged place for higher education and the advancement of knowledge and aims to contribute to the improvement of society through the cultural and civil promotion of people and the development of a culture based on the universal values of human rights, peace, international solidarity and environmental protection, as per the University Articles of Association. The University of Parma is public, multidisciplinary and internationally oriented, focusing on areas that are qualitatively relevant to the attractiveness and sustainability of the education offered. The University pays particular attention to the reception and inclusion of students, also through the services offered and the opportunities developed in close collaboration with other local institutions, to the entry of its graduates into the world of work and to sustainable development issues, in accordance with the University's mission.


Website: https://www.unipr.it/

University of Parma is involved in the following projects:



CESPIM srl (agency for SME's innovation) was born in 1986 as technical structure of CONFAPI (Italian Confederation of the Small and Medium Enterprises which today represents more than 50,000 associated enterprises employing about a million of workers

Website: http://www.cespim.com/

CESPIM srl is involved in the following projects:

CISL Scuola e Formazione

CISL Scuola (Confederazione Italiana Sindacati Lavoratori - Scuola) is the union of primary school and kindergarten personnel, secondary school and vocational training of the CISL. It was founded in 1997 by the union of the unions SINASCEL (National Elementary School Union) and SISM (Italian Middle School Union). On the basis of the data defining the representativeness of trade union organizations, due to the number of members and the votes obtained in the last elections for the RSU (2018), the CISL School is currently the most representative trade union in the sector.

In addition to the National Headquarters, there are now 20 regional/interregional structures in Italy and 58 territorial structures, operating on hundreds of service centers.


Website: https://www.cislscuola.it/

CISL Scuola e Formazione is involved in the following projects:

CONFAO - Consorzio Nazionale per la Formazione, l' Aggiornamento e l' Orientamento

CONFAO (National School Consortium for Training, Professional Development and Orientation) is a non-profit organization founded in 2007. It is accredited to the Ministry of Education for teacher professional development and devises programmes to support member schools, both at national and local level, to improve education quality and enhance innovation within the schools. CONFAO is a national school network representing over 50 schools from all over Italy. The 50 schools members of CONFAO are based in all Italian regions (e.g. 16% are based in Lazio and Abruzzo regions, 15% in Puglia region, 13% in Sicilia region, 9% in Sardegna region etc.). Thus, the consortium is a good showcase for the Italian formative galaxy, both geographically and educationally.


Website: https://www.confao.it/

CONFAO - Consorzio Nazionale per la Formazione, l' Aggiornamento e l' Orientamento is involved in the following projects:

Consorzio Gioventù Digitale

The Digital Youth Consortium is a non-profit organization promoted by the City of Rome bringing together schools, training institutes, local public administration, and ICT companies. Its activities centre on the world of young people, scholastic training, and new technologies. It provides an operating structure for a working model which contributes to the renewal of the Italian school. It addresses students, teachers, families, and whoever is interested in improving the rapport between young people and computers, with obvious benefits in the field of didactics, work and productivity. 

Website: http://www.gioventudigitale.net
EU-Track is a Multidisciplinary Research and Development Association composed of experienced staff with different backgrounds. The multidisciplinary vision based on our academic-scientific and business expertise combination effectively contributes to further innovation advancements.

Website: http://www.eu-track.eu

EU-TRACK is involved in the following projects:

Istituto Comprensivo "Ennio Quirino Visconti"

The I.C. Visconti has five school complexes located in the historic centre of Rome:

  • Ruspoli” Primary School in via di Gesù e Maria, near Piazza del Popolo;
  • “Settembrini” Primary School in via del Lavatore, near the Trevi Fountain;
  • “Gianturco” Primary School in via della Palombella, near the Pantheon;
  • “Visconti” Secondary School - Palazzo Ceva complex in via IV Novembre, adjacent to the Traianei Markets;
  • “Visconti” Secondary School - S. Agata de' Goti complex located in the Monti district.

The school interacts with the infinite resources that the historic centre offers on a cultural, political and sporting level. The I.C. Visconti proposes itself as: "School of truth, good and beauty: the basis of the education of all human beings". 


Website: https://www.icvisconti.edu.it/

Istituto Comprensivo "Ennio Quirino Visconti" is involved in the following projects:

Istituto Comprensivo Maria Montessori
"Maria Montessori" Institute is located in Terracina, on the Tyrrhenian coast, a renowned tourist destination with a rich artistic, cultural and landscape heritage. The Institute includes two plexuses of nursery school, two primary and one secondary schools for a total of 1,100 students. The socio-cultural-economic context is characterized by the overlap of the middle-bourgeois class, mainly engaged in the tertiary sector, the original structure linked to agriculture and activities related to the resources of the sea; there is a steady increase in the population especially thanks to the incidence of new families from EU and non-EU countries, with different traditions, languages and religions that need to be integrated within the educational initiatives organized by the Institute.

Website: http://www.icmontessoriterracina.gov.it

Istituto Comprensivo Maria Montessori is involved in the following projects:

LEND - Lingua E Nuova Didattica
LEND − Lingua e Nuova Didattica (Roma, IT) is an association of language teachers founded in 1971. It has been active in the area of language education through research projects and professional development actions. It has thus contributed to the development of the Italian education system. Its proactive approach has been made evident through its journal “lingua e nuova didattica”, its national and international conferences and various seminars.

Website: https://www.lend.it/

LEND - Lingua E Nuova Didattica is involved in the following projects:

Media education - Italian Association for education to media and communication

Media Education is an activity, education and teaching, which aims to develop young people with critical information and understanding about the nature and categories of media, the techniques they used to build messages and convey a meaning, language and specific kinds.

Website: http://www.mediaeducationmed.it/

Media education - Italian Association for education to media and communication is involved in the following projects:

REDU - Rete Educare ai Diritti Umani
REDU has been founded as a follow up of a national training course National on Human Rights Education, funded by the Council of Europe. Trainers and practitioners founded REDU with the aim to spread a HR culture and to disseminate international tools for HRE, mainly those promoted and designed by CoE.
REDU aim is to promote social solidarity. The association also promotes HRE, in Italy and abroad, in order to contribute to the active development of a responsible citizenship and a culture of peace. In coherence with its aims, REDU organises activities to promote HRE and HR culture in Italy and abroad. The activities aim to contribute to the active development of a responsible citizenship and culture of peace.

Website: http://www.educareaidirittiumani.net/

REDU - Rete Educare ai Diritti Umani is involved in the following projects:

Università La Sapienza di Roma

Sapienza University of Rome, founded in 1303 by Pope Boniface VIII, is one of the oldest universities in the world and the second largest University in Europe, greatly able to manage its outstanding numbers:111.000 enrolled students, 8.000 of them coming from outside Italy and 1.000 incoming and outgoing exchange students each year, 11 faculties which cover any kind of scientific and social area with their 63 departments, more than 4.700 professors and researchers and 4.300 administrative and technical staff. Sapienza offers a vast array of courses: around 260 degree programmes at Bachelor and Master level, 80 PhD courses, one to two year long lasting professional courses and Specialization Schools, Master degree programmes entirely taught in English (including a full 6-year long lasting degree in Medicine and Surgery), plus many English-taught single courses in various disciplines. Sapienza is also one of the few Italian public Universities always ranked in major international rankings, active member of several international networks such as COURSERA, UNICA, UNIMED, the SANTANDER GROUP and many others and therefore plays a fundamental role in the academic international scenario.


Website: http://www.uniroma1.it

Università La Sapienza di Roma is involved in the following projects:


EGO Group

EGO Group was established in 2011, originally as Olimpia holding company, as a modern and diversified energy service provider, capable of seizing the commercial opportunities offered by the distributed energy and energy efficiency markets. EGO became the market leader within the green certificate market, inheriting and exceeding the success achieved by the previous experience with Elettrogreen, sold in 2010 to the French-Belgian group GDF-Suez.

The group rapidly acquired a key role also in the direct marketing of the electricity produced by the distributed power plants in Italy through its operating company Green Trade (also founded in 2011, now renamed EGO Energy). The consolidated turnover grew rapidly and reached almost 800 million Euros in 2015 thanks also to the increasing contribution of the energy efficiency services and the business of White Certificates trading through Elettrogreen Power (now part of EGO Energy) a UNI-11352 certified Energy Service Company (ESCO).

Nowadays Ego Energy is one of the leader in the Power Purchasing Agreement (PPA), one of the biggest emerging business in the energy sector.


Website: https://ego.energy/

EGO Group is involved in the following projects:

IIS Eugenio Montale
High School “Eugenio Montale” is a Language High School in which English is studied as first language; Spanish, French or German can be chosen as second language; Spanish, French, German or Russian can be chosen as a third language. The school also includes the Technical - Professional Touristic Institute, with about 2000 students and 195 teachers.
The international vocation of the School is also pointed out by the fact that it is seat for the “Cervantes” language exam. Moreover, English, French and German classes are held in preparation to several European Certifications, from B1 Level to C1 Level. 

Website: http://www.iscsmontalegenova.gov.it/

IIS Eugenio Montale is involved in the following projects:

Istituto per le Tecnologie Didattiche del CNR

The Institute for Didactic Technologies, one of the National Council Research Institutions, carries out studies of innovative education linked to the use of Information and Communication Technologies. The Institute for Didactic Technologies was a partner in the EduRobot project promoted by Pixel and funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Socrates Minerva programme.

Website: http://www.itd.cnr.it/

Istituto per le Tecnologie Didattiche del CNR is involved in the following projects:

Scuola di Robotica

The aim of the School of Robotics is to promote the knowledge of the science of Robotics among students and young people, in the range of the pre-graduate and graduate school; to teachers and the general public.
School of Robotics is not a traditional school, with walls, classrooms and benches, because it wants to promote understanding about Robotics in the existing educational and teaching structures. In times of cyberspace, we shall update not only the contents but also the educational teaching methods of our school system. To do this, School of Robotics intends to open a collaboration with the school system, in the range of under-graduate students, via Internet and the communication technologies, to work with teachers and students on robotic research in a kind of Distributed Virtual Laboratory (DVLab). The DVLab will be connected with many real laboratories and robotic industries, and will benefit from their R&D activities .

Website: http://www.scuoladirobotica.it

Scuola di Robotica is involved in the following projects:

University of Genova - UNIGE
The University of Genova (UNIGE) is one of the most ancient of the European large universities; with about 280 educational paths distributed in the headquarters in Genova and the learning centres of Imperia, Savona and La Spezia, it comes up to the community as a well-established reality throughout the region. 
More than 1.300 faculty members are distributed over 5 Schools (Math, Physics and Natural Sciences, Medical Sciences, Polytechnic, Social Sciences, Humanities). With its 126 Degrees, more than 55 Postgraduate Schools, and 26 Masters, UNIGE provides a truly multi-disciplinary teaching offer to more than 30.000 students, and nearly 2.800 international students. UNIGE counts 22 Departments, 27 PhD courses, 55 Specialisation Schools, an Integrated Library System, 11 Research Centres, and 2 Centres of Excellence. UNIGE took part to more than seventy FP7/H2020 projects as either participant or coordinator. The existing international cooperation concerns the fields of research and didactics, with many scientific bilateral and multilateral agreements and European Union projects. 


Website: http://www.unige.it

University of Genova - UNIGE is involved in the following projects:

USR Liguria

Ufficio Scolastico Regionale Liguria (USR Liguria) is the peripheral Administrative office of the Ministry of Education in Liguria region. Amongst its institutional tasks, USR Liguria is in charge of: the recognition of training needs, the development of its regional educational provision and the training of teachers, in collaboration with the Region and the local authorities.

USR Liguriahas a thorough knowledge of the territory, especially its vocations and potentials, and carries out a strong and updated proactive action of identification of all the various situations in the local territory which are related to both education and training services. In addition, USR Liguria identifies the trend lines related to the evolution of the labour world, following the Europe 2020 Strategy and the objectives set by Law 107/2015.

UUSR Liguria has placed amongst its priorities the development of the international dimension of the education and training system in Liguria, in order to promote exchange activities and mobilities and in order to upgrade the skills of all operators working in the education and training systems.

Website: http://www.istruzioneliguria.it/

USR Liguria is involved in the following projects:


AIDD – Associazione Italiana contro la Diffusione del Disagio giovanile

In the seventies, when the "drug" problem was not yet widespread with the subsequent drama, a group of Rotary Clubs and Lions Clubs from the Lombardy region created AIDD, an organization of volunteers for the prevention of youth distress. In recent years, AIDD has expanded its range of activities by addressing new issues of youth distress, including drugs, alcohol, bullying, cyberbullying, smoking, video games, the internet, game therapy, gambling, anorexia, and bulimia. The inspiring principle is to take responsibility for the "primary prevention of youth distress", only partially supported by the institutional authorities, which is expressed in the recognition of risk factors and identification of the actions aimed at preventing, mitigating or eliminating them. In addition, the motto of the association is “to serve” the people, in this case the youth, in need, as inspired by founding members.


Website: http://www.aidd.it/

AIDD – Associazione Italiana contro la Diffusione del Disagio giovanile is involved in the following projects:

Associazione Artigiani Bergamo
Associazione Artigiani Bergamo, founded in 1945, is a self-governing organisation under private law and represents 14.000 small and medium companies situated in the district of Bergamo, north of Italy. Its task is to promote a strong and competitive small business by supporting member enterprises in providing services. An increasing number of these enterprises has export relationships with foreign clients or is seeking to co-operate in cross-border networks.

Website: http://www.pointart.it

Associazione Artigiani Bergamo is involved in the following projects:

Associazione per l'EMDR in Italia

EMDR Italy Association is the official professional association of psychologists and psychiatrist experts who are trained in EMDR treatment for trauma. The Association establishes, maintains and promotes the highest standards of excellence and integrity in EMDR therapy practice, research and education in Italy and Europe. EMDR Italy Association has conducted around 700 interventions in the field of acute traumatization of individuals and communities. EMDR Italy Association can count on 7000 members. EMDR Italy Association is part of EMDR Europe Association, composed by 32 countries and around 27000 members.


Website: https://emdr.it/

Associazione per l'EMDR in Italia is involved in the following projects:

Irecoop Lombardia

Irecoop Lombardy is promoted by the Board of Education Confcooperative Lombardy organization representing about 3000 companies on a regional cooperatives, operating in different economic sectors. Irecoop Lombardy has as its mission the promotion of business and cooperative principles, and implements activities for over 25 years of training, research and development aimed at cooperatives, public bodies, personal services and individuals, accompanying organizational and professional paths according to the logic of sharing the development of knowledge directed action.

Website: http://www.irecooplombardia.confcooperative.it/

Irecoop Lombardia is involved in the following projects:

Istituto Comprensivo Scialoia

Istituto Comprensivo Scialoia is located in the city of Milan, it receives cultural stimuli and has chances to receive proposals from the municipality, universities, publishing houses and no-profit organizations, parishes and associations present in its area. The Comprehensive school consists of 3 levels of schools (kindergarten, primary school and secondary school first level), about 945 students in total aged 3 to 14. It is attended by a very diversified population in terms of countries of origin and cultures. The fact the school covers three levels of education allows us to play an important supportive role to a large territory area, coherently where each action and intervention are connected to specific education and teaching choices, granting seamless paths: alignment activities, inclusion and orienteering paths and activities to prevent early school leaving.


Website: https://www.icscialoia.edu.it/it_it/

Istituto Comprensivo Scialoia is involved in the following projects:

Istituto di Istruzione Superiore Don Lorenzo Milani

Don Lorenzo Milani is an important State High School that aims at maintaining the standards of the quality system and reducing the phenomenon of drop-outs trying to guide students and to motivate them during the school years. This institution works to guarantee health education, solidarity, equal opportunities, to integrate disabled and foreign students, to promote key competences to prepare young people for their future job career according to the social context and technological innovations, to guarantee a transparent exchange of information, to enhance the staff’s training and to prevent or face social problems such as bullism.

Website: http://donmilaniva.com/site/2011-12-04-11-13-17/2011-12-04-11-41-39.html

Istituto di Istruzione Superiore Don Lorenzo Milani is involved in the following projects:

Istituto Oikos

Istituto Oikos is a non-profit organization committed in Europe and all over the South of the world, working for a responsible management of natural resources, for the dissemination of more sustainable life models and fighting against poverty. Oikos was founded in 1996 in Milan by a group of biologists and naturalists. Since then Oikos designed and implemented more than 350 projects in Italy and in fifteen countries distributed between Asia, Africa and South America. Istituto Oikos is an organization working on the basis of the following assumption: protecting the environment means supporting the communities that inhabit it. Oikos works to protect key areas for biodiversity, preserving and enhancing natural environments. I collaboration with institutions, Universities and local communities, Oikos deals with programs of sustainable agriculture and management of water; Oikos promotes renewable energy sources and develops small income-generating activities linked to the sustainable use of resources.


Website: https://www.istituto-oikos.org/

Istituto Oikos is involved in the following projects:

Province of Varese

The Province of Varese has in its policy lines the promotion of sustainable development of the territory. One of the strategic activities the Province carries out to achieve these objectives is the education of environmental sustainability for the new generations through the Green School program.


Website: http://www.provincia.va.it/provincia-di-varese

Province of Varese is involved in the following projects:

Università di Belle Arti di Brera
Founded in the second half of 18th Century, Brera University of Fine Arts is one of the most ancient and famous faculty of arts in Europe.
The faculty is composed of internationally recognised artists who actively pursue research in art and in criticism. Brera attracts a considerable number of international students. It offers both traditional and innovative courses such as: Decoration, Painting, Sculpture, Theatre Design, Contemporary Sacred Art, Restoration of Contemporary Art, Communication and Education applied to Art, Art and Multimedia Communication.
Website: http://www.accademiadibrera.milano.it

Università di Belle Arti di Brera is involved in the following projects:


Azienda Sanitaria Locale TO3

From the 2007, in partnership with the ex Asl 5, ex Asl 6 of Venaria and Asl 10, a new Local Healthcare System TO3 has been established, according to decree law n. 82 of 17th December 2007 issued by the President of the Regional Committee. Asl TO3 pursues healthcare objectives through interventions related to taking precautions in diagnostic, therapeutic or rehabilitative care. It is a regional health agency that covers several hospitals , a big number of staff and potential patients. The Mission of ASLTO3 is to improve the quality of life of people, developing the quality of care.

Website: http://www.aslto3.piemonte.it

Azienda Sanitaria Locale TO3 is involved in the following projects:

CIPES Piemonte

The overall common goal of the CIPES Piemonte is to contribute to the development of health promotion and to improve health in Piedmont Region. Cipes Piemonte is one of the founder member of IUHPE (International Union for Health Promotion and Education) that works for health promotion spreading at international level together with WHO, UNESCO and UNICEF. Cipes Piemonte acts at local level according with local institutions. In 2007 Cipes Piemonte signed a memorandum with Piedmont Region, Province of Turin and the Municipality of Turin for the creation of a IUHPE Centre in Turin focused on South- Eastern and Mediterranean countries. Cipes Piemonte is an umbrella for individual and collective members like municipalities, provinces, hospitals, schools and foundations that are set in Piedmont Region.


Website: http://www.cipespiemonte.it

CIPES Piemonte is involved in the following projects:

Istituto Secondario Rita-Levi Montalcini

“Rita Levi-Montalcini is a secondary institute based in Acqui Terme, Italy. The programmes offered are: Finance & Marketing, Hospitality & Tourism Management, Chemistry & Biotechnology, Electronics & Electrotechnology and Health Care Services studies. These are 5 year programmes that furnish the requisites for university and the qualifications for the job market. The school has of 905 students of which about 20% are foreign students of diverse backgrounds, 111 teachers and 29 other staff members.

Website: http://www.iislevimontalcini.it

Istituto Secondario Rita-Levi Montalcini is involved in the following projects:

Presidio Sanitario Gradenigo Hospital
The Hospital Gradenigo, constituted in 1900, is an health organisation based in Turin (Italy). Gradenigo’s mission is to promote and to support the human life in the respect of the man/person’s dignity, to defend human right and, specially, the weaks, the children, the sick person on end life and elderly, without distinction as to race, sex and religion, to cooperate with the institutions involved in improving the living conditions of sick and the suffering. The hospital Gradenigo implements its daily Mission providing shelter under the ordinary and everyday services and the provision of diagnosis and treatment, emergency interventions, acute illnesses or long-term which can not be assisted in outpatient and home.
Website: http://www.fadgradenigo.it

Presidio Sanitario Gradenigo Hospital is involved in the following projects:

University of Turin

The department of Education of the University of Turin is composed by 38 persons (professors, researchers, technical and administrative staff). The main domains of research are history of school and pedagogy, special education, didactics, sociology and philosophy of education. The department is responsible of the University of Turin e-learning.

Website: http://www.unito.it

University of Turin is involved in the following projects:


Easy_Integrazione di Sistemi Srl
Easy System Integration was established in March 1996 as a spin off of the Department of Physics, University of Palermo, Sicily with the support of the BIC welcomes the inside of their offices for the first time by applying the method of incubation of start-ups in Sicily . Easy was founded with the mission of making it easy and efficient access to information and communication technologies in the productive and social organizations, with particular reference to the tools to: improve the quality of processes and products;  manage the knowledge accumulated by the organization; make possible innovative organization based on collaboration.

Easy Integrazione di Sistemi Srl is a partner together with Pixel in the Createl project promoted by CREA.

Website: http://www.easyint.it/

Easy_Integrazione di Sistemi Srl is involved in the following projects:

University of Palermo

L'Università degli Studi di Palermo (UNIPA) è un'istituzione accademica pubblica che opera nella Sicilia centro-occidentale. Le sue 5 scuole (Medicina e Chirurgia; Politecnico; Giurisprudenza, Scienze sociali ed economiche; Scienze applicate; Scienze umane e patrimonio culturale) e i suoi 20 Dipartimenti coprono i settori più importanti della conoscenza scientifica e tecnologica.


Website: https://www.unipa.it/

University of Palermo is involved in the following projects:


British Institute of Florence

The British Institute of Florence, established in 1917 and granted a Royal Charter in 1923, was the first of the British cultural institutes to operate overseas and served as a model for the establishment of the British Council in 1934. In the drawing rooms and libraries of pre-war Florence local residents, among them poets, journalists, university professors, publishers and journalists such as Herbert Trench, Lina Waterfield, Guido Ferrando, Guido Biagi and Aldo Sorani, discussed the idea of a reading room, library and space for cultural exchange between Britain and Italy.

Website: http://www.britishinstitute.it/en/index.asp

British Institute of Florence is involved in the following projects:


CIPAT so far, is a consortium made up of 40 schools, including several courses of studies, with a certain predominance of hotel-management and catering schools.

The Consortium was established in 2002 thanks to the initiative of 12 schools, that were determinate to collaborate in various fields of common interest, as specified in the Statute.

Recently (Dec. 2007) this Statute has been modified, its aims and its name completed and its institutional bodies updated.

Website: http://www.cipat.it/

CIPAT is involved in the following projects:

Co&So is a consortium of companies born in 1998 in order to pursue the general interest of the community, promoting human and social integration of citizens, with a view to development and innovation. Co&So is the largest consortium of social enterprises active in the province of Florence and aggregates today about 40 companies, which offers a wide range of services, with a network of over 1500 employees

Website: http://www.coeso.org/index.html

CO&SO is involved in the following projects:

Comune di Firenze - Assessorato alla Formazione

The Educational Department of the Florence City Council is responsible for Educational Policy in the city of Florence. The department control all the schools existing within the territory of the Region: from nurseries to secondary schools.

Website: http://www.comune.firenze.it/comune/organi/dir

Comune di Firenze - Assessorato alla Formazione is involved in the following projects:

Confederazione Italiana Agricoltori Della Provincia Di Firenze (Cia)

The Confederazione Italiana Agricoltori di Firenze (CIA) is a lay organization, independent from the government. It works in Italy, Europe and in an international level for the progress of agriculture and for the defense and the equal dignity of the agricultures in the society.The CIA is articulated in associations, institutes and societies that operate for the alimentary safety and the safeguard of the environment. It offers technical consultancy, training, insurance to its associates from the agrotourism and biological agriculture as well as women and young people.

Website: http://www.cia.it

Confederazione Italiana Agricoltori Della Provincia Di Firenze (Cia) is involved in the following projects:

Connectis Srl

Connectis is a SME with a full time staff of 12 people. Connectis was founded in 1999 by a team of professionals with over 10 years of experience in the field of web design and software creation. 
Connectis’ core activity is the production of e-learning platforms but they also focus on various IT areas: web software development and computer systems, creation and production of multimedia material and computerized advertising graphics. The core business is oriented to the New Technologies based on Internet use and Connectis produces Commercial and educational software for private companies and Public Administration.
In the field of European Projects, Connectis has experience in e-learning solutions for ODL, creation of web sites and internet solutions for professional learning. Connectis is also a web agency, for creation and promotion of web solutions for dissemination and all the professional uses. They implement instruments for E-Commerce and E-Business, reserved areas in the web sites, web assistance, graphics creations, and all the solutions for a professional use of the web. Connectis is specialized in web language like HTML, ASP, XML, PHP.

Website: http://www.connectisweb.com

Connectis Srl is involved in the following projects:

Consorzio Istituti Professionali Associati Toscani (C.I.P.A.T)

CIPAT so far, is a consortium made up of 40 schools, including several courses of studies, with a certain predominance of hotel-management and catering schools. The Consortium was established in 2002 thanks to the iniziative of 12 schools, that were determinated to collaborate in various fields of common interest, as specified in the Statute. 



Website: http://www.cipat.it

Consorzio Istituti Professionali Associati Toscani (C.I.P.A.T) is involved in the following projects:

Consorzio Servizi Formativi alle Imprese di Confindustria Firenze (Co.Se.F.I.)

COSEFI is the learning centre of the Industrial Association of Florence. It is a consortium, born in 2002 to provide learning services to the industries on our territory. The mission of COSEFI is to promote, project, organize and plan, initiatives in training, orientation and research.

Website: http://www.cosefi.it

Consorzio Servizi Formativi alle Imprese di Confindustria Firenze (Co.Se.F.I.) is involved in the following projects:

DADA is a global leader in professional services for online presence (domains, hosting, server, web site creation, e-commerce, online brand protection). DADA is among the first companies in Europe in the field of Domain & Hosting with a significant position in the markets in which it operates: in addition to Italy through the brand Register.it, DADA is present in Spain, the UK and Ireland, France, Portugal and Holland respectively through the brands Nominalia, Namesco, Register365 and the Amen Group. Since January 2010, through the acquisition of PoundHost, DADA has assumed a significant position in the UK in the services of dedicated and virtual hosting. DADA is also one of the largest operators in the business of brand protection on the Net, counting among its clients major Italian and European brands.

Website: http://www.dada.eu/it

DADA NET is involved in the following projects:

ENAIP - Ente Nazionale Acli Istruzione Professionale - is a national network that provides services for education, vocational training and work. ENAIP was founded in 1951 by ACLI (Christian Associations of Italian Workers) with which it shares history, culture and values. Today, ENAIP has an important organizational structure and a system of strong relationships. 

Website: http://www.enaip.it/

ENAIP is involved in the following projects:

Fondazione ITS Agroalimentare Teramo
Fondazione ITS Agroalimentare Teramo is one of 86 Italian High Technical Institutions, operating as a part of the National System of Education and Technical Training. The main activity of ITS consists of planning and managing two years courses to obtain the “High Technical Diploma" (corresponding to V EQF level), released by the Ministry of Education, University and Research. These courses are divided into four semesters, for a total of 1,800 hours and are characterized by two qualifying aspects: at least 30% of their duration is carried out in enterprise through traineeship (activated even abroad) and at least 50% of teachers come from the world of work. Fondazione ITS Agroalimentare Teramo, founded in 2010, aims at offering higher technicians in the Agribusiness Sector a living, dynamic and growing area, which covers a considerable role in the economy of the Abruzzo Region and the entire Country. 

Website: http://www.itsagroalimentarete.it
Fondazione Piaggio

The purpose of Fondazione Piaggio, composed by the Museum and the Foundation, is to increase the value of the relationship enterprise-culture, enterprise-territory. The Foundation has an annual program of activities:  the ranks of significant landmark in the local and national debate on issues of various types, the reconstruction of industrial relations since the end of 'nineteenth century to the present day, the most complex and specific issues on European integration, the debate on the rules of ethics in sport, communication, biotechnology. 

Website: http://www.fondazionepiaggio.it/index.html

Fondazione Piaggio is involved in the following projects:

IIS Galileo Galilei

IIS Galilei Liceo has two different work areas, one for students aiming to become future teachers (Liceo delle scienze umane) and one for students who wish to enter the job market with programming knowledge (SIA), administration (AFM) and international business (RIM). The Institute boasts long years of educational experience, during which it trained entire generations of students, renewing and upgrading their role on the basis of requests emerging from the social context. The school’ foundation dates back to 1853, at the time of the Grand Duke of Tuscany, in response to the need of offering young Florentines a serious cultural education, combined with adequate preparation in scientific, economic, and socio-cultural fields.

Website: https://www.iisgalileifi.edu.it/

IIS Galileo Galilei is involved in the following projects:

Innovazione Apprendimento Lavoro Toscana (IAL)

IAL Toscana is the regional Training Institute of Confederation of Trade Unions in Italy. It operates on the whole Tuscan territory. The main office is in Florence with the managing and administrative activities and it has 10 territorial offices (with 10 provincial coordinators) for the territory coordination in every Provinces of Tuscany. 


Website: http://www.ialtoscana.it

Innovazione Apprendimento Lavoro Toscana (IAL) is involved in the following projects:

Irre Toscana
The Regional Research Institute for Education is a public institute supporting the regional Educational institutions and their networks and consortia, in the didactical and pedagogical research. IRRE carries out researches and evaluation of innovative pedagogical methodologies to be applied within schools.
Website: http://www.irre.toscana.it/

Irre Toscana is involved in the following projects:

ISIS Leonardo da Vinci

The technical Institute "Leonardo da Vinci" of Florence is a public state-owned school. The institute was founded by the local government in the year 1900. Since then the Institute has played a major role in the industrial development of Florence and of the entire Tuscan region. The students – aged from 14 to 19 – can choose between two major programs within the Institute: technical and vocational. 

Website: http://www.isisdavinci.gov.it/

ISIS Leonardo da Vinci is involved in the following projects:

Istituto Comprensivo "Gandhi"

The Istituto Comprensivo Gandhi (IGandhi) is located north of Prato, Tuscany. It consists of six schools: two kindergartens, three primary schools and one secondary school. About 160 teachers and 22 caretakers work in the school complex. Each building is surrounded by large green spaces with dozens of trees and equipment for outdoor activities. A large gymnasium, equipped for sports activities, is located in the centre of the secondary building. All the Institute's classrooms are equipped with digital blackboards and Internet connection.


Website: http://www.gandhiprato.edu.it/

Istituto Comprensivo "Gandhi" is involved in the following projects:

Istituto comprensivo 2 ' A. di Cambio' - Colle di Val d'Elsa

Istituto Comprensivo 2 “Arnolfo di Cambio” is composed of 3 kindergartens, 4 primary schools and 3 lower secondary schools based in three different municipalities. It has about 140 teachers and 30 administrative and technical staff. The Institute’ educational offer strongly addresses the development of active citizenship from a very early age. Basic skills in this field aim at providing students with social and intercultural competences applying different educational methods and tools. One of the most important aims of the Institute’s educational objectives is to make students aware of the life in the community they live.


Website: https://www.comprensivoduecolle.edu.it/

Istituto comprensivo 2 ' A. di Cambio' - Colle di Val d'Elsa is involved in the following projects:

Istituto Comprensivo Bartolomeo Sestini
Sestini Comprehensive Institute is a school dealing with education and training of pupils aged from 3 to 14 years. At strategic level, priorities of the school are outlined in the Three-Year Training Offer Plan (PTOF) and in the 2022/2025 Improvement Plan: the Sestini Comprehensive Institute aims to continue a progressive and gradual transition from a traditional and rigid teaching scheme to a more open, flexible, dynamic training system. The objective is matching the school system of didactic planning, based on innovative and collaborative approaches, with methods of high quality and training courses in full coherence with the Curriculum for Competences.

Website: https://www.icsagliana.edu.it/

Istituto Comprensivo Bartolomeo Sestini is involved in the following projects:

Istituto Comprensivo Masaccio

The “Masaccio” Comprehensive Institute, born in 2010, includes kindergarten, primary school and lower secondary school. It is located in Florence, in four complexes, located in three different districts: three primary schools, a kindergarten and a lower secondary school. The school is approximately composed by 1200 pupils and 150 teachers.

The “Masaccio” Comprehensive Institute is located in the heart of the city and this allows including visits to museums, churches, buildings of historical, artistic and cultural interest in the educational offer. Many public bodies and associations work in collaboration with the Institute involving children, young people and even adults. The school involves parents in many initiatives.

Istituto Comprensivo Masaccio is involved in the following projects:

Istituto Comprensivo Pier Cironi
The school has around 1200 pupils in age 3-13. It is located in the Eastern area of Prato, the third major city after Rome and Florence in central Italy. We are a public school, our goal is to provide education to pupils in the above mentioned age, helping them to reach the National learning goals set up by the central government. Our pupils are of different origin. Most part of them are Italians, but around 30% are Chinese and a small amount, around 15%, are from Eastern Europe, North Africa, Pakistan and so on. We have in charge 120 workers including teachers, helping staff and administration staff.

Website: http://www.cironi.prato.gov.it

Istituto Comprensivo Pier Cironi is involved in the following projects:

Istituto Professionale di Stato “Francesco Datini”

Istituto Professionale “Francesco Datini” was born in 1963, and offered triennial vocational courses, at the end of ’70 were introduced also terminal two years that releases a diploma of state.
Nowadays, school offers five different possibilities : economy and marketing, turism, graphic advertising, reception, cooking and social services. 

The action of school are very large and concerne :

  1. fight of school wastage, with projects that complete education with vocational training; in this field “Datini”has already organized initiatives that have been well awarded by the Regional Authorities.
  2. The reform of the Technical and Professional Education, in order to optimize the integration of the institutes with the demands of the territorial development and in this world the identifying of the pole-schools for a technical professional training, including the various exit levels, up to the higher technical formation.
  3. organizational and professional quality emprovement , carrying out projects for adopting quality models (CAF/BSC), with a shared action of teachers’ training, coordination and exchange of didactic experiences as innovating teaching tools (bench-learning) enhancing all excellences both among teachers and students.
  4. participation in external iniziatives, aimed to territorial promotion and development, that make possibile that the education quality gets positive effects on its members: building partnerships in european projects, managing cooperation iniziatives with “Misericordia di Firenze” on the theme “disability” and supporting developing countries, agreements, activities with territorial Authorities, etc.

Website: http://www.datini.prato.it

Istituto Professionale di Stato “Francesco Datini” is involved in the following projects:

Istituto Statale di Istruzione Secondaria Superiore Federico Enriques

“F. Enriques” is a high school located in Castelfiorentino, an area which is rich of history and culture, very close to Florence, Siena and San Gimignano, within the boundaries of the Chianti area. Besides this, a noteworthy element is its openness to the technological and industrial innovations of a highly productive part of the Tuscany region. The school has a pivotal role in the area, thanks to a close contact with the surrounding towns and the easy access to strategic ways of communication, both on road and rail. The existence of the “Enriques” Institute in this specific territory is considered as a guarantee for social and economic growth, and as an inexhaustible showcase of new qualified figures perfectly inserted into our production reality. 

Website: http://www.isisenriques.gov.it/

Istituto Statale di Istruzione Secondaria Superiore Federico Enriques is involved in the following projects:

Liceo Statale Niccolò Machiavelli

Liceo Statale "Niccolò Machiavelli" in Florence (Italy) was founded in 1997 by the merger of two high schools, both rooted in the community:

  • Lyceum "Machiavelli", established as an institution in 1968 and, since September 2004, located in Palazzo Rinuccini (Via Santo Spirito, Florence);
  • Institute "Capponi", one of the historic institutions of Florence, located in Piazza Frescobaldi in a prestigious building of the historic center.

"Machiavelli" Institute recognizes the rhythms and the styles of different kinds of learning, providing students from other countries with courses for the essential knowledge of the Italian language, enhancing excellence, collaborating with cultural institutions of the territory for the organization of activities, providing students with careful guidance for further studies in Italy or in other countryies and support while accessing the working world.

"Machiavelli" Institute pays special attention to the prevention of youth problems, as well as to the reduction of the early school leaving phenomenon, thanks to the CIC - Centre for Information and Consulting. The Institute has a large number of students and staff and is strongly characterized by the presence of catchment students who aspire continuing their school career in science universities (both in Italy and in foreign countries). This requires continuous staff training in a wide-range of topics, including the use of new technologies for an inclusive and intercultural education. Teachers of the “Machiavelli” Institute undertake the teaching strategies in order to improve students’ abilities and skills through a cooperative learning and the adaptation of modern teaching methodologies. This allows the “Machiavelli” institute to enhance the learning potential of each student and to encourage his / her autonomy.

Website: http://www.liceomachiavelli-firenze.gov.it/it/

Liceo Statale Niccolò Machiavelli is involved in the following projects:

Pegaso Network

Pegaso Network is a consortium of 23 social enterprises spread throughout Tuscany Region and and a training agency accredited by the Tuscany Region. Pegaso Network mission is to develop and contribute to the innovation of social work in a cooperative form, building collaborative networks and generating value for the consortium companies and the territory.


Website: https://www.pegasonet.net/
Pegaso Network

Pegaso Network is a consortium of 23 social enterprises spread throughout Tuscany Region and and a training agency accredited by the Tuscany Region. Pegaso Network mission is to develop and contribute to the innovation of social work in a cooperative form, building collaborative networks and generating value for the consortium companies and the territory.


Website: https://www.pegasonet.net/

Pegaso Network is involved in the following projects:

Teatro Stabile di Grosseto

Teatro Stabile di Grosseto was founded in October 2000 as professional theatre company. Now Teatro Stabile di Grosseto addresses its main attention to the world of childhood and adolescence through the production of theatrical performances focused on educational issues of great impact:  acceptance of diversity, integration, correct use of media and Internet.

In 2003, after only 2 years and 3 months of activities, Teatro Stabile di Grosseto received the award of  "Teatro Stabile" (the most important Italian award in the field of theatre) from the Ministry of Cultural Heritage. The following year Teatro Stabile di Grosseto received the "Body of National importance" award from the Tuscany Region.

In 2004 and 2005 Teatro Stabile di Grosseto won the most prestigious Italian theatrical award, the "Golden Ticket", the only award attributed to those theatrical companies which collect the highest number of spectators throughout the National territory during the theatrical season. Based on these important results, TSG proceeded to the transformation from theatre company to cultural entity and extended its activities to Film and Music. 

Website: http://www.stabilegrosseto.it/

Teatro Stabile di Grosseto is involved in the following projects:

Tuscany County Council
The Educational Department of the Tuscany County Council is responsible for Educational Policy in the Region of Tuscany. The department control all the schools existing within the territory of the Region: from nurseries to secondary schools.
Website: http://www.regione.toscana.it/

Tuscany County Council is involved in the following projects:

Università Telematica degli Studi IUL
Università telematica degli Studi IUL is a unique online university in Italy established in 2005 by public authorities (INDIRE, National Institute for Documentation, Innovation, Educational Research), which has been supporting the evolution of the Italian educational system and has been the reference institution for educational research in Italy for 90 years, and University of Florence, with a specific department specialized in technology supported learning). IUL presents itself as a “lifelong learning university” and provides online university courses (three year degrees, specialization degrees, master’s degrees, post-graduate degrees), mainly addressed to educational staff. It has also activated refresher courses addressed to technicians and professionals who wish to acquire knowledge and develop competences relevant to their working field. A lot of IUL learning pathways are addressed to teachers, head teachers, school staff and are aimed at supporting their continuous
professional development.

Website: http://www.iuline.it/

Università Telematica degli Studi IUL is involved in the following projects:

University of Florence

The University of Florence is an important and influential center for research and higher training in Italy, with 1,800 lecturers and internal research staff, 1,600 technical and administrative staff, and over 1,600 research assistants and doctoral students. It offers a wide range of study programs at various levels and in all areas of knowledge.126 Degree courses (First and Second Cycle, corresponding to Bachelor's and Master's Degrees) organized in 10 Schools, with a population of about 51,000 enrolled students, one-fourth of which come from outside of Tuscany.


Website: https://www.unifi.it/

University of Florence is involved in the following projects:

University of Pisa, Department of Economic Sciences
The University of Pisa was established in the 12th Century. It includes 11 faculties and 50 departments. Its lecturers amount to 1767, and its students to more than 50.000 (more than 1000 PhD students). The Department of Economic Sciences of Pisa University (DSE) was established in 1988, as a transformation of the Institute of Economic Sciences created at the beginnings of the 1950s. The DSE gathers all researchers in economics of Pisa University (a total of 39). Research is inspired by methodological pluralism. Topics of research range from theoretical to applied economics and to historical approaches to economic facts and theories. The most important research areas are the following: growth theory, inequality, macroeconomics, mathematical economics, econometrics, public intervention into the economy, sustainable economic development, history of economic theories and economic institutions.
Website: http://www.unipi.it

University of Pisa, Department of Economic Sciences is involved in the following projects:

University of Siena
The University of Siena is one of the oldest in Europe. The University of Siena is keeping renewing its selection of degree programmes, which are offered in the following areas: Economics, Law, Arts and Humanities, Medicine and biotechnology, Chemistry and pharmacy, Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences, Engineering and Political Science. 
For the academic year 2015-2016 the academic offer includes 36 first cycle degree programmes; 30 second cycle degree programmes; 5 long single cycle EU regulated degree programmes. Moreover 6 Master courses and 12 doctoral research programmes are entirely taught in English. With over 18,000 students, in 2012 the University of Siena was classified first in the whole of Italy for its structures, quality of services, internet access, study grants and internationalization (Censis classification), and fifth out of 58 Italian Universities for its attractiveness to students from other regions and countries. 

Website: http://www.unisi.it

University of Siena is involved in the following projects:

USR Toscana

Ufficio Scolastico Regionale of Tuscany Region is a joint regional body within the Ministry of Education, University and Research. It mainly works as link between the Ministry and the autonomous schools (more than 600 schools subdivided into preschool, primary and secondary schools). Ufficio Scolastico Regionale controls and monitors the achievement of educational objectives promoted by the Ministry of Education, University and Research. Ufficio Scolastico Regionale promotes and disseminates regional educational policies addressed to students.

Website: http://www.toscana.istruzione.it

USR Toscana is involved in the following projects:


Institute for history of contemporary Umbria (ISUC)
Institute for history of contemporary Umbria (ISUC) was founded in 1974. ISUC has a relevant historical archive, a training department and a research department. In addition, ISUC has a wide experience in organising training course and seminars for school teachers collaborating with the General Direction Office of Umbria regional sholastic Office (MIUR) and directly with the schools.
Website: http://isuc.crumbria.it

Institute for history of contemporary Umbria (ISUC) is involved in the following projects:

Istituto per la Cultura e la Storia d’Impresa (ICSIM)

The Institute for Culture and Business History "Franco Momigliano" (ICSIM) is a non-profit organization, headquartered in Villalago Piediluco (Terni), and operational headquarters at the Multimedia Centre of Terni. The Institute "Franco Momigliano" represents a center of excellence of the system of higher education and post graduate diploma from the Umbria region, carrying out studies, training and dissemination of culture on economic issues, the history of the disciplines and afferent.

Website: http://www.icsim.it/

Istituto per la Cultura e la Storia d’Impresa (ICSIM) is involved in the following projects:

Università degli Studi di Macerata

The University of Macerata is based in the centre of Italy, in Marche Region, in the city of Macerata. It was founded by Pope Nicholas IV in 1290 and for years it was a law school run by a private master. Under the protection of the Commune it achieved the features of a public institution. On 1541 the first degree wasconferred, so from that day until the present, the University has continued to operate without interruption. After various requests to the Government the University was granted first class status in a law of 1901. At the present time, the University of Macerata, with its long history, plays a very remarkable role. Its Faculties, Departments, Institutes and Schools (mainly in the humanities), make up a homogeneous whole in which academic staff and students can find common cultural interests and points for discussion in the spirit of a real universitas studiorum.

Website: http:www.unimc.it

Università degli Studi di Macerata is involved in the following projects:

University of Perugia

The University of Perugia was founded in 1308. In the 14th century, the University offered degrees in two fields: Law and General Arts. Today, research, education, and consulting activities in the various disciplines are organized in 16 Departments, with about 23500 students, 1100 professors and researchers, and 1000 staff members. The University offers study programs also in two other Umbrian towns: Assisi and Terni. In recent years, the University has undertaken a broad renewal of its degree programs and curricula, which prepare students to meet the demands of the labor market and to satisfy the needs for innovation expressed by employers in private and public sectors. Nowadays, the University of Perugia offers a vast array of degree programs, which cover nearly all fields of study authorized by the national Ministry of Higher Education.


Website: https://www.unipg.it/

University of Perugia is involved in the following projects:


ALTERITAS – Interazioni tra i popoli

The association ALTERITAS – Interazioni tra i popoli – a research institution founded in 2009, is devoted to studying interactions among peoples of different origins, languages, cultures and traditions in the past and present. The Veneto region also accredits it as an organisation dedicated to migration issues since 2015. Thanks to a network of about 50 scholars from different disciplines (archaeology, linguistics, anthropology, history of art, ancient, medieval and modern history), and the collaboration of many research partners and institutions, Alteritas is engaged in research projects characterized by a wide range of topics and approaches in humanities and social sciences.


Website: http://www.alteritas.it/

ALTERITAS – Interazioni tra i popoli is involved in the following projects:

Studio Centro Veneto SAS

Studio Centro Veneto was founded in Vicenza (Italy) in 1968; today the centre is on the top of Europe in business transfer issue. Its vision is to be a centre of excellence based  on filed experiences, to be an operative reference pole for institutional economical, cultural and business players. Its mission is being a turbo for companies  thanks to structured and customised services.

Website: http://www.studiocentroveneto.com/

Studio Centro Veneto SAS is involved in the following projects:

Ufficio scolastico regionale per il Veneto

USR Veneto is one of the regional branches of the Italian Ministry of Education. USRV is an autonomous body performing administrative tasks. It is divided into 6 departments having responsibilities at regional level and 7 local branches. Its main objectives are: supporting the innovative processes through the introduction and implementation of the reforms undertaken in the education and training system; implementing those processes functional to the improvement of the teaching taking into account the results of the national and international assessments; guaranteeing the right-duty to receive an appropriate education and preventing early school leaving; launching initiatives on the vocational guidance and counselling; promoting school-work experiences and internships addressed to students in the high schools; improving the quality of the learning through the enhancement of the basic competences, the promotion of the scientific and technological culture, the enhancement of the European languages study, also with reference to the certification of the competences; 

Website: http://www.istruzioneveneto.it

Ufficio scolastico regionale per il Veneto is involved in the following projects:

European Project Planning and Management International Seminars The objective of the International Seminars in European Project Planning and in European Project Management  is to provide participants with the skills to plan European project proposals and to managed approved projects.. ...
International Master in European Project Planning and Management Are you interested in an International Career? Enroll in the 13th edition of the Master in European Project Planning and Management. The 13th Edition of the Master programme will be presented as a Hybr...
“New Perspectives in Science Education” International Conference The 14th edition of the International Conference “New Perspectives in Science Education” takes place: on 19 March 2025 | Online Event on 20-21 March 2025 | in Florence (Italy)  The obje...
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